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Reading Notes: The Life of Buddha, Part B

Image information: Monk meditating, Image credit:  Beliefnet In the story “Siddhartha is Eager to Know the Great Truths” from the book The Life of Buddha by A. Ferdinand Herold, the author begins the story with Prince Siddhartha strolling around the halls of his palace in a troubled and unhappy mood. One day, as he found himself walking aimlessly from the palace through the country, the prince encountered a beggar that was only visible to the prince alone. He immediately asks the beggar who he was, in which the beggar replied that he was a monk. Furthermore, the monk, the form that a god had chosen to arouse the prince, attempts to explain a little bit of  his teaching and the significance of solitude. After talking to the Prince, the monk suddenly disappears into the sky and the Prince instantly knew what his destiny was. He had decided to leave the palace and become a monk himself. Once he returned home, the Prince explained to his father about his wish. However, instead of sup

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